Transportation help for older people and seniors

Older people often have mobility issues. There are charities as well as government transportation benefits to help them get around their local town or city or even travel across the UK. The schemes and benefits are aimed at helping pensioners get to their GP or maybe travel for holiday. Or there is help given to seniors for getting to the grocery store, a church, hospital, or any other facility.

Older people, including pensioners, often have a limited income. Or they can’t afford a full fare on a train. Or maybe they need to see a distant family member. The low cost and free transportation schemes listed below may also be used by older people to get around.

Free bus or underground tuba passes (for London)

This is a government run schemes available across the UK, including England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. There are two different parts of it, one for older people who live in London (or its boroughs) and one for seniors who live outside the city.

First of all, to qualify for a free pass, the applicant needs to be at the age that female state age pensioner starts. However, both men and females can apply – only the requirement is based on the females age. In general, the assistance is offered when someone is late 50 years of age or older.

Applicants in Wales, the English countryside, Scotland, and Northern Ireland are given free bus passes. This is the form of transportation for those parts of the country. As older people local to London know, the Tube system is used heavily in the city proper. So, the government transportation scheme will give them a free pass to use on the tube system.

Council Transportation Help

Local councils across the UK provide seniors and pensioners with help. It can be financial for paying their bills, home care so the older person is not sent to an institution, vouchers to attend a funeral, transportation and more. The council transportation schemes are paid for by the government and combine grants, vouchers, and other support.

Each council has their own schemes. The funding and type of benefits vary. However even if a council can’t provide free transportation to a senior, they will link the resident to another organisation or charity that may be able to help.

Free transportation in London

Pensioners and seniors who live in London or surrounding boroughs can get access to all the forms of transportation. This is a council and central government scheme to help them pay for expensive travel in London. The name of the scheme is the London Freedom Pass. The sole eligibility condition is the principal home or flat needs to be the London area.

It is a free scheme. There will be a pass or voucher will pay for all forms of transport. It helps both pensions, older people, and the disabled. The London Freedom Pass pays for buses, the Tube or underground system, national rail (for even visiting other cities), trams and even a river boat or ferry.

The cost of living, and housing/rent in London is very high. Older people can use the Freedom Pass to offset that cost of living. It also gives them mobility for getting to a store, visit a friend, or other destinations. More on council welfare transportation schemes.

Free home Meals delivered

Pensioners can have trouble making it to a grocery store. Or maybe they can’t cook the food on their own. The Meals on Wheels service is free in the UK. It will help ensure older people do not go hungry, and it is a form of a transportation scheme.

Volunteers and charities will ensure seniors are fed if they are homebound. A free hot or frozen meal will be delivered to them daily or weekly. The volunteer will also check on the older person’s health, provide them company, and help with loneliness. This charitable transportation scheme has many benefits for the client. Find free or low cost Meals on wheels.

Low cost Railcard for seniors

Anyone over the age of 60, whether they work or are a pensioner, can apply for this inexpensive form of transportation. The cost of the Railcard for one year is £30.

Once bought, the senior can use it for whatever they want, provided a train meets the schedule in question. While the savings will vary per person who buys a card, the organisation estimates that the average annual savings on transportation for an older person is £120 per year. So, the Senior Railcard pays for itself!
