Oasis Aquila deposit help from Bond Scheme in Tyne and Wear
By Jon McNamara

Residents of Tyneside that have housing barriers, and that are not priority from any council schemes, may be able to get help with their deposit from the Oasis Aquila Bond Scheme. An independent, faith based…

South Tyneside deposit help from Good Tenant scheme
By Jon McNamara

The Good Tenant scheme is available to prospective tenants in South Tyneside. The local authorities will not only provide up to £500 to help cover a damage deposit, but the council also arranges the family…

In categories: South Tyneside
South Tyneside local welfare scheme
By Jon McNamara

With the aim of replacing the assistance that was provided by the Social Fund, the South Tyneside council created their own Welfare Scheme. Individuals with a local connection can get help from Crisis expenses or…

In categories: South Tyneside