Oasis Aquila deposit help from Bond Scheme in Tyne and Wear
By Jon McNamara

Residents of Tyneside that have housing barriers, and that are not priority from any council schemes, may be able to get help with their deposit from the Oasis Aquila Bond Scheme. An independent, faith based…

Gateshead Council crisis awards help with bills
By Jon McNamara

Families on a low income that are then faced with an emergency can seek financial help for paying their bills or free items from the Gateshead Council crisis award scheme. This is the local welfare…

In categories: Gateshead
Gateshead schemes for deposits and private housing
By Jon McNamara

There are a few different schemes available to individuals, the homeless, and low income families in the town of Gateshead. Both charities and government housing authorities can be contacted, and the local council is an…

In categories: Gateshead