Assistance from No Limits in Hampshire

Programmes provided by No Limits are for Hampshire area people that are under the age of 26. The charity offers clients with practical support, advice on finding housing, and job training. The aim of the organisation is to help young people gain stability over the short term. There is also assistance for children in the area.

Using volunteers and donations, the agency aims to prevent homelessness. For those that may be sleeping rough in Southampton or need some short term housing, then emergency accommodations can sometimes be arranged. More information is below.

Help for housing problems and rent services

Advice on housing is available from No Limits. The charity will work with young people on both finding affordable accommodations, and helping them get moved into it. The agency does operate their own scheme for paying deposits, and they also provide other services. Not only can people get information on housing, but other short term support may include food, clothes, and basic needs.

An assessment will occur. Staff from No Limits will talk to the individual to discuss options. Based on the results, some options may be placement into private rented homes or some type of social, supported housing. The private units may have schemes to help pay the rent, but the landlord will often need to agree. Another option is to live with family.

The Southampton area has access to a Floating Support programme. This is one time aid for young people, and the person will get one on one guidance and counselling. If the applicant takes part in the A2T, then they may be able to enroll in one of the schemes indicated. Landlords also participate in this service, and if they do, many will agree to using a bond guarantee as a portion of the security deposit that us due from the tenant.

Support services from No Limits

Young people often need help in obtaining a job or enrolling into training. There are services available in Hampshire, and No Limits can help people enroll. This information is available at the drop-in centres. So not only can someone receive information on the housing solutions above, but they can access computers for work on other purposes, such as creating a CV.

The centres and the staff on site will offer free advice on a number of issues. Sometimes a homeless person may need clothing or practical support in order to get the job. So options on that or referrals can be provided. Or learn about other benefits from the government that can help during this period. They also have Employment and Careers Advisor on site.

Advice is offered for dealing with debts, rent in arrears, and other money problems. Proper budgeting is a challenge many young people have, and if done properly it can free up their income for paying a rental deposit or other expenses needed for a home. Specialists at the centres meet with clients and offer advice and help on debts and other money problems.

  • City Drop In, Address is 24a Bernard Street, SO14 3AY, 023 8022 4224
  • Shirley drop-in centre, 278 Shirley Road, SO15 3HL
  • Sholing drop-in centre is located at 406 Portsmouth Road, SO19 9AT, telephone 023 8043 5000
  • The main office is at 24a Bernard Street, Southampton, Hampshire, SO14 3AY, call 02380 224 224 for information.

All support from No Limits is free. Also, the help is not only for young people under the age of 26, but others can get referrals. The charity will also assist children in the greater Southampton area. They partner with other agencies in the area to offer support services or rental deposits, with a priority on coordinating housing for the homeless. Call for information or referrals.
