Categories: East Sussex

Free food banks East Sussex

Residents of East Sussex have several free food banks available to them if they are faced with a reduction in benefits or when threatened by an emergency. The centres are run by the Salvation Army, a few different churches, as well as Trussell Trust.

With an increasing number of people facing wage freezes and a reduction in their benefits, more families are struggling to provide for their families. The food parcels from these charities can help a client free up their income for other bills and expenses they have, and the East Sussex locations also offer signposting and other aid to the needy.

Charities and churches with free food banks

Brighton and Hove City Mission provides free food from their Basics Bank. Referrals are needed, and the charity may also offer other support, such as clothing or free Christmas meals and gifts in East Sussex. Sign posting is also available to food banks and emergency aid, and learn details on Brighton and Hove City Mission services.

The Salvation Army centres in East Sussex will require that applicants have sought help from other organisations first, as their resources are limited. The Christian charity will assist individuals without discrimination to age, race, or religion, so the programmes are extensive.

Each location will require the client to go through as assessment, and assistance will be provided based on that result. The Salvation Army has volunteers that collect food from restaurants and grocery stores. Based on the items available, clients may receive soup, tinned meats, canned fruits, and more. A volunteer will also serve tea and biscuits, or signpost the individuals to other services in East Sussex, including for housing or budgeting.

  • The Hastings centre is at 418 Old London Rd and can be called at 1424 431488.
  • Another Salvation Army Church has an address of 33 Royal Sussex Crescent, Eastbourne. Telephone – 1323 641833.
  • For more information on their services, including the Open Christmas meal programme, find East Essex Salvation Army programmes for the low income.

The low income and homeless can drop in at the Jubilee Church for a hot meal or emergency food parcel. The location may also have a blanket, coat, and refer the person to a hostel for more temporary accommodations. There is also furniture and white goods (for free) from the Re-Loved centre.

The church provides help across Worthing and can be called at 7767115943 for hours of distribution. A priority on this church is to feed the homeless, children, and infants in East Sussex, and both meals and parcels of food are provided. Another priority is on the elderly, and people from Jubilee have even delivered meals. A referral is needed from a care worker or CAB. Find more details on help from Jubilee Church.

The Hailsham area is supported by a foodbank at Sheriff Place, Rear of Link Shop, 1 George Street. When facing an exceptional circumstance, up to three days of food may be provided from this donation point. The telephone to ring is 01323 844428.

Seaview Project provides low cost meals as part of the services available. There are four other core programmes from the charity, ranging from housing to food assistance from parcels and referrals. Read more on Seaview Project services.

Shinewater Shaftesbury Centre is part of the Eastbourne food bank network. The charity offers other assistance as well, ranging from legal aid to housing advice for people in East Sussex. When it comes to food, there may be fresh items, tinned meats, pasta, and other goods. Find help from the Shaftesbury Centre in Shinewater.

East Sussex Trussell Trust is operated with GPs, social workers, nurses, charities and other organisations. They all work to provide free food and more to the needy.

  • Shoreham Foodbank is at Oaks Trust Ltd, 21/23 Clarendon Villas, Hove, East Sussex, BN3 3RE. Telephone: 07708 384906.

United Church operates the Crowborough foodbank. For people with a voucher, they can get up to three days worth of free food or groceries. Tale to a doctor, social worker, or Citizens Advice Bureau for this referral.

The parcel will have groceries, fresh fruits and vegetables, canned items, breads, and other items. Volunteers collect the items from East Sussex donations, and provide the help to the needy. The church is at Croft Road , Crowborough, East Sussex , TN6 1HA. Call 01892 661 990.

Uckfield food bank has a post of The Kings Centre, Grange Road, Uckfield, East Sussex, TN22 1QU. For individuals on a low income, many that have had a reduction in their benefits, they can use a voucher for a box of emergency food. Or get referrals to charity programmes or applications for the new scheme of free school meals for infants. This is a Trussell Trust affiliate, and can be ringed at 01825 764940.

Government schemes that help provide food and feed the hungry

Crisis support in Brighton and Hove is the council’s welfare scheme. If a resident has been approved for a grant from this programme, the assistance will be in the form of a voucher to a local food bank in East Sussex. Find more details on the help provided from the discretionary fund in Brighton & Hove.

East Sussex also offers a countywide emergency financial assistance scheme. This is DESSS or discretionary support. Everything from food to help for seniors, the disabled, job training and more is offered. Thousands of people get free grants to pay for food or their bills. Or they get referrals to food banks. Find how to apply for Discretionary Support in East Sussex.

Food, household goods and other help is from the Hastings Council. The welfare scheme offers free vouchers or goods, including food boxes. There are also ingredients for hot meals, baby food, meats, free bread, and more. More details on Hastings Welfare scheme.

Jon McNamara

Published by
Jon McNamara

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