Ask for Help

Cannot find what you are looking for? Are you facing legal action for debts owed? Is your landlord threatening to evict you? When you ask for help with bills, we will locate available bill help resources that could give you the aid you need. Even though PFNI reviews hundreds of programmes and services that provide help, it is possible that we have left you out. If your question is chosen, then we may research your specific situation to determine which programmes may best help you.

Your response can be featured here on our site for the benefit of others in similar situations. You can even comment on our findings to update everyone on your progress. You can also rest assured that we will take reasonable care to protect your privacy. We normally only use your first name and location as identifiers so that your confidentiality is maintained.

    Tip: Including information about your location when you ask for help with bills allows us to research the most relevant programmes most likely to meet your needs. The more information you provide about the details of your situation, the more detailed we can be with our response!

    Have you been affected by a rogue company that has wronged you? Do you have a potential scam to report?

    When you submit a complaint, we will make reasonable attempts to protect your identity. The more detailed information you provide us, the more likely we can provide helpful feedback. Authorised representatives of companies are encouraged to provide a response but have no obligation to do so.

    Financial scams tend to affect the poor and other vulnerable households the most. While there are many programmes that provide much needed bill help services to lower income households, there are also many false promises from shady players that are simply looking to capitalise on your misfortune.

    When you submit a complaint about a company that you have been dealing with, we can research the company to reveal more about them. While we cannot always verify the accuracy of your complaint, our goal is to encourage greater transparency by sharing information by consumers about their experiences with companies.

    In addition to reporting on potential consumer scams, PFNI provides information about regulatory actions as well as occasional product and service reviews. We have no desire to promote any single company or product over another. Instead, these evaluations are intended to enhance transparency for the benefit of the general public.

    NOTE: PFNI cannot provide advice or instructions on how to act on individual debts. Our response will include information that might be helpful as you evaluate your options. We cannot steer you towards any single outcome. For this reason, our responses will often include a recommendation to speak with a charity that is licensed by the Financial Conduct Authority so that you may receive objective advice for your specific situation.