Categories: Bedfordshire

Housing assistance from Bedford Concern for the Homeless and Rootless

Individuals that are struggling with housing or that are homeless can receive assistance from the specialists and services available at the Prebend Day Centre, which is a drop in service run by Bedford Concern for the Homeless and Rootless. The charity will work with the individual to address the problems that are causing them to struggle, and a number of services, including a wrap around approach, will be provided to those that are eligible for the programme.

Clients will have short term needs met, such as for food, clothing, and shelter, while they work with the support team. The issues addressed as part of this process of achieving independent living will be identified by their Assessment Form, which is required. Based on the results of this, aid and advice is offered to those that are eligible.

As needed, BeCHaR will also bring in other organisations or offer signposting to deposit schemes and not-for-profit charities in the area. They may also refer people to hostels in Bedford or maybe to the No Second Night Out programme, and this will often be determined by the results of the assessment that is done.

Prebend Day Centre services

The homeless or people facing poverty can access the clothing bank on site, and this may have blankets, coats, and other items. There is also a canteen at the Prebend Day Centre which serves free meals. Other resources that individuals can use include showers for cleaning up, free telephone to use for jobs or applying for housing benefits, a computer for CV creation, or they can just relax in the lounge.

The centre is available while the homeless or low income person works towards living independently. They can also access those items noted above, such as the phone, as part of that process for seeking a job. They will then be assigned to the team of specialists as the queue is worked down.

Free advice for housing assistance

Bedford Concern for the Homeless and Rootless has a team in place to resettle people, or to get them placed into either private or social housing. This will provide individuals a number of services, including free advice, which may be part of the keywork process.

Many people need help in applying for, or understanding which housing benefits or schemes they can have access to or be eligible for. So the support team can provide more information on them, and this will include singposting to rent deposit schemes or other charity or government benefits. There are many housing services for both the homeless and ongoing support for current tenants as well, and the BeCHaR team can provide advice to those that need it.

Wrap around care is provided too, and this is a holistic approach to addressing poverty and homelessness. The Bedford charity does this while partnering with other organisations or agencies, and they work with Complex Homeless Intervention Panel, churches, and others.

This can help those with complex issues, whether an addiction, rough sleeper or maybe the client is an ex-offender. The aim is to get the person into a programme that can assist with the housing problems that are threatened with. Or if they are homeless, then get the individual into some form of temporary or private accommodation.

Individuals or the homeless can drop in at the Prebend Day Centre, and the post is 12 Prebend St., Bedford, Bedfordshire. The main telephone number is 01234 365955.

Jon McNamara

Published by
Jon McNamara

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